
Redshift CheatSheet

  • fully managed, fast and powerful, petabyte scale data warehouse service
  • uses replication and continuous backups to enhance availability and improve data durability and can automatically recover from node and component failures.
  • Massive Parallel Processing(MPP) : distributing & parallelizing queries across multiple physical resources
  • comlumnar data storage : improving query performance and allowing advance compression techniques
  • only supports Single-AZ deployments and the nodes are available within the same AZ, if the AZ supports Redshift clusters.
  • spot instances are NOT an option


  • used for business intelligence(OLAP)
  • Available in ONLY 1 AZ


  • Enabled by default with a 1 day retention period (Max 35days)
  • maintain at least 3 copies of your data(original/replica on compute nodes/backup in s3)
  • Disaster Recovery : replicate Snapshots to s3 in another region


  • A company is using Redshift for its online analytical processing (OLAP) application which processes complex queries against large datasets. There is a requirement in which you have to define the number of query queues that are available and how queries are routed to those queues for processing.
    Which of the following will you use to meet this requirement?
    • A) Use the workload management(WLM) in the parameter group configuration
    • Amazon Redshift WLM (Workload Management)은 사용자가 작업 부하 내에서 우선 순위를 유연하게 관리 할 수 있도록하여 실행 시간이 짧고 질의가 오래 걸리는 쿼리의 큐에서 멈추지 않도록합니다.
  • You are working as a Solutions Architect for a major telecommunications company where you are assigned to improve the security of your database tier by tightly managing the data flow of your Amazon Redshift cluster. One of the requirements is to use VPC flow logs to monitor all the COPY and UNLOAD traffic of your Redshift cluster that moves in and out of your VPC.
    Which of the following is the most suitable solution to implement in this scenario?
    • A) Enable Enhanced VPC routing on your Amazon Redshift cluster
    • When you use Amazon Redshift Enhanced VPC Routing, Amazon Redshift forces all COPY and UNLOAD traffic between your cluster and your data repositories through your Amazon VPC. When you use Enhanced VPC Routing to route traffic through your VPC, you can also use VPC flow logs to monitor COPY and UNLOAD traffic.
    • Audit Logging : is incorrect because the Audit Logging feature is primarily used to get the information about the connection, queries, and user activities in your Redshift cluster.
    • Amazon Redshift Spectrum : is incorrect because this is primarily used to run queries against exabytes of unstructured data in Amazon S3 redshift-vpc-routing
  • You are working for an online hotel booking firm with terabytes of customer data coming from your websites and applications. There is an annual corporate meeting where you need to present the booking behavior and acquire new insights from your customers’ data. You are looking for a service to perform super-fast analytics on massive data sets in near real-time.
    Which of the following services gives you the ability to store huge amounts of data and perform quick and flexible queries on it?
    • A) Redshift
    • Redshift : delivers ten times faster performance than other data warehouses by using machine learning, massively parallel query execution, and columnar storage on high-performance disk.
    • DynamoDB : is incorrect. DynamoDB is a NoSQL database which is based on key-value pairs used for fast processing of small data that dynamically grows and changes. But if you need to scan large amounts of data (ie a lot of keys all in one query), the performance will not be optimal.
    • ElastiCache : is incorrect because this is used to increase the performance, speed and redundancy with which applications can retrieve data by providing an in-memory database caching system, and not for database analytical processes.
    • RDS : is incorrect because this is mainly used for On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) applications and not for Online Analytics Processing (OLAP)
  • You are working as an IT Consultant for a large investment bank that generates large financial datasets with millions of rows. The data must be stored in a columnar fashion to reduce the number of disk I/O requests and reduce the amount of data needed to load from the disk. The bank has an existing third-party business intelligence application which will connect to the storage service and then generate daily and monthly financial reports for its clients around the globe.
    In this scenario, which is the best storage service to use to meet the requirement?
    • A) Amazon Redshift
  • A real-time data analytics application is using AWS Lambda to process data and store results in JSON format to an S3 bucket. To speed up the existing workflow, you have to use a service where you can run sophisticated Big Data analytics on your data without moving them into a separate analytics system.
    Which of the following group of services can you use to meet this requirement?
    • A) S3 Select, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum
    • In AWS, there is a suite of tools that make analyzing and processing large amounts of data in the cloud faster, including ways to optimize and integrate existing workflows with Amazon S3:
    • S3 Select : retrieve a subset of data from an object in Amazon S3 using simple SQL expressions.
    • Athena : interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL expressions.(ac-hoc)
    • Redshift Spectrum : directly run SQL queries against exabytes of unstructured data in Amazon S3.
  • A data analytics company, which uses machine learning to collect and analyze consumer data, is using Redshift cluster as their data warehouse. You are instructed to implement a disaster recovery plan for their systems to ensure business continuity even in the event of an AWS region outage.
    Which of the following is the best approach to meet this requirement?
    • A) Enable Cross-Region Snapshots Copy in your Amazon Redshift Cluster.
    • You can configure Amazon Redshift to copy snapshots for a cluster to another region. When cross-region copy is enabled for a cluster, all new manual and automatic snapshots are copied to the specified region.

